Beyond the Craft - 6th Edition


The Author - "My Masonic readers have overheard those engrossing snippets of conversation that seem to occur so frequently at the Festive Board of a Craft lodge where reference is made to the 'Mariners', 'the KT' or 'the Cryptic'. Enquiry is rewarded with the explanation that they are other degrees, but generally there is little further information forthcoming and one is left with a feeling of awakened, yet ungratified curiosity. This book attempts to produce a condensed, yet comprehensive text of information regarding the various Masonic orders at work in England today."
Contains in-depth information on the history, joining qualifications, hierarchy, rituals and teachings and regalia of the following Masonic orders:

Holy Royal Arch, Mark Masonry, Royal Ark Mariners, Order of the Secret Monitor, Royal and Select Masters, Order of the Allied Masonic Degrees,The Ancient and Accepted Rite (Rose Croix), The Red Cross of Constantine, Knight Templar and Knight of Malta, Holy Royal Arch Knights Templar Priests, Royal Order of Scotland, Baldwyn Rite, The Operatives, Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia, Order of Light, Order of Eri, Knight Templar Beneficent of the Holy City, The Order of the Pilgrim Preceptors, The Masonic Order of Athelstan, The Commemorative Order of St Thomas of Acon, The Order of the Scarlet Cord

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